ThinkGeek is selling a bouquet of pink, purple and blue unicorn plush toys for Valentine's Day. As in a bouquet of unicorns in bisexual flag colors. I can't make this stuff up. Now everyone I love knows what to get me for Valentine's Day... although I'm tempted to just get one for myself and bestow their magicalness on all of my loved ones. I already have their unicorn slippers, knee-highs, yoga pants and robe. Any company that has an entire section of its website devoted to unicorns is ok in my book, but when they decide to sell a biflag bouquet of them... well let's just say I'll be a lifelong customer. (EDIT: They have a unicorn cardigan in biflag colors too! Ok, must stop shopping...)
The Unicorn is My Bisexual Patronus
CommentBoth my logo and my very first bisexual pride t-shirt design feature a unicorn silhouette and my personal take on the bisexual flag. Why? I've decided to name the unicorn as my patronus and reclaim it for all bisexual men and women, to prove that we do exist and combat bisexual erasure. This is in part because "unicorn" is often used in the swinger community as a euphemism for a single bisexual female willing to sleep with a couple. It's primarily because of the bisexual community's fight to make ourselves known. and to make sure that the B in lgBt is not silent.
Note: this post has been updated to remove the term "spirit animal." Unfortunately, the URL can not be updated and the original title may appear in some older indexed versions of the page. When I first wrote it I was unaware of the appropriative nature of that term. I apologize for that.